Mariko Shinoda and other AKB48 members celebrated Manami’s birthday yesterday. Now she is 21, which is younger than Mariko by 5 years, though she is arguably the leader of AKB48. It’s a fact that Mariko along with other ‘super senior’ members officially admit!!
It’s amazing that during this tough schedule, many members gathered at her house? to celebrate her birthday(Mariko assured us that they called it a night early). Once Takamina said “AKB has 300 members. That means our family has 300 birthdays a year. We hope you celebrate every birthday together with us.” She always care about all members, includes everyone, she has a inborn charisma as a leader and everyone loves her ((:

Sooooo sweet!!! BTW, How many cakes did they have!?!?

photo Mariko Shinoda G+
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