Finally AkiP made a comment on when Acchan will graduate.
I’ve been so often asked when will her graduation be, but we haven’t managed a time to have a meeting on this. Maeda flied to HK the day after Saitama’s last day while I’ve been doing tons of errands relating to this, and then I had to fly overseas on business. Then today we’re on nationwide tour (starts from this Saturday)… Anyway first, I need to talk to Maeda.
Uhmmm, I guess Tokyo Dome is the right place…. I want to make her dream come true… I feel like my brain’s gonna explode with too many things fill up it.

I think (and in fact) before Acchan said Tokyo dome is a dream of all members not just mine, and that she don’t want to hijack it and paint it as her graduation ceremony….. But it’s natural of him to give her the greatest stage as possible for her graduation, and we love both of the ideas.
Astuko Maeda’s New Comment on When and How She Graduates From the Group