ベジータ “Holy cow, Even トランクス loves Sashihara-chan!?!?”

ベジータ “What?? Sashihara is over 10,000!!!!!”

ベジータ “Acchan, you’re No.1”

ベジータ “Take this Haters!!!!!!!!!
Tiger! Fire! Cyber! Fiber! Diver! Viber! Jerjer!!!

Yuko “Oshiri”

ベジータ “Lol slut..”

Jurina “にんじん!(carrot)”

ベジータ “Kakarot~~~~~~~!!!!!! “

Kakarot : urban dictionary
The original name of Goku from Dragon Ball Z, given to him at his home planet of Vegeta.

ベジータ “Na~nana~nananana~Nappa~~~!!!!”

ベジータ “Gosh! Frieza called Watariroka Hashiritai7…. Frieza called Warota7!!!!!”

ベジータ “Yasusu (AkiP) let me fusion with you. I said I let you fusion with you!!!!!!”

ベジータ “Being 超Senbatsu, I can’t dare to lose to 干され(poorly treated) men like you!!!!!”

ベジータ “You are such a nuisance bitch!! You can sing, dance…. you are even cute and have bit tits….”

Yukirin Ota “Did you just talk about our Oshi-men????”