It is with deep regret that I cannot write this any faster, however, with the fever gone, I can finally write something dedicated for the two days concert of SKE48 in Nagoya Dome, their dream stage!It was a huge success!
The setlists may have already been around since yesterday and two days ago all over the internet, however, even if it is late, let’s have a flashback of the whole concert for a while, and look at some stories of the happenings before, during, and after the concert from the numerous 2ch thread. It’s going to be long so sit back and relax!
Among the many threads before Nagoya Dome preparations, you will find some really interesting ones:
How to find an internet cafe within Nagoya Dome vicinity
Nagoya, a big commerce city, has really expensive hotels. Also, during Nagoya Dome it is not surprising that finding hotels turned difficult. So to make things easier and simpler, some of the fans decided to take the options of staying the night in an internet cafe instead.
Along the thread we would find out, however, how Nagoya has really small number of internet cafe and how the ending statement was, “I hope those fans who stay by the internet cafe properly bathed before the concert”
Original penlight design
“If it is around 1500 yen, I’m buying it!”
Fans’ project for the concert A: “Chouzetsu Ikemen: AKANE!”
During Cross, usually it is “Chouzetzu Kawaii: Akane!” (SuperSuper Cute, Akane!) but for Nagoya Dome, there was a project to shout “Chouzetsu Ikemen: Akane!” (SuperSuper COOL / Handsome, Akane!) instead (this originated from KII3rd Ramune Nomikata special ladies stage time, and also because this has been Akane’s wish for a long time)
“Cross is a very cool, manly song. In order for Churi to give the best ikemen performance ever, I beg for your cooperation!” -
Fans’ project in the concert B: Let’s flail konbu (Japanese kelp) for Hidaka Yuzuki!
“Let’s make a field of kelp for Hidaka Yuzuki! Please flail Kelp during the song “Yuudachi no Mae”!”
“I don’t understand the meaning at all”
“Nagoya Dome will stink of kelp”
“The heck is this lololol”
Nagoya “pilgrimage” map
… which has far too many “sacred” places noted but helped new people to get around. There are even threads for restaurant to visit within the theater vicinity!
Nagoya Dome Fans Project: Orange Penlight
On February 2nd, the second day of Nagoya dome, from Encore call until the first song of encore, will you make Nagoya Dome turn orange?
They even went as far as buying mass cyalumes to distribute during the show.
Sudden notice in midnight: Please dyed Nagoya Dome with Red
Kobayashi Ami 2014/1/31 11:20
Nagoya Dome!! Tomorrow!It will be great if Nagoya Dome is dyed with Team KII’s Red color (^ω^)♪*
SOURCETakagi Yumana 1/31 23:20
How nice if that happens ♪(^o^)
Ohya Masana 1/31 23:20
then, for Team S it’s orange color!(^-^)/
Takeuchi Mai 1/31 23:24
How nice…Team Color!
Kobayashi Ami 1/31 23:25
during times like team songs, it’d be great if the venue turned red, won’t it? Such wish (lol)
Satou Mieko 1/31 23:42
Koami will dye you red
“>> ( ; ゜Д゜)”
Satou Mieko 1/31 11:42
We talked about how beautiful the culture of Team color penlight in AKB-san’s Request Hour recently.Akane started to talk of how she wanted Nagoya Dome to be dyed red (lol)
However, that day turned into yesterday without her getting able to say it
and that is how the story goes←←
ε≡≡≡≡≡ヽ( ゚ 3゚)ノ
SOURCEAnd finally, the team leader herself decided to speak out.
Takayanagi Akane 2014/02/01 0:40 AM
Am I allowed to say something
even though it’s really really sudden
like now?When I took part in AKB48-san’s Request Hour
As I looked from the tiered standI was really moved at how
during every team song
the penlights by the audience seat
changed into team colorsTeam KII’s colors is
RedMy penlight color isn’t red, you see
If in Nagoya Dome
during KII’s song
the venue turned red
I will be deeply moved.for a short while
I talked about this also
with the other KII membersI understand how really sudden this is but
I hate to have regret if I don’t say it
so I tried to say it on the day before (lol)(…)
SOURCETakayanagi Akane 2/1 0:44
everyone is so kind (T-T)
Takayanagi Akane 2/1 0:46
Miepi and Koami also wrote it!I just realized it now!
“The order from the heaven”
(Ten kara mayorita kotorichan “the small bird that flew down from sky/heaven” = Akane’s catchphrase)
[ “During all KII member song, turn to Red! Let’s grand Churi’s wish” ]
THIS IS SO CRUELSo damn late!!!well~ if it is Churi who said it~~ I will try to do something somehow~~Miss Bird, it is “today”During the appointed day, for those who can’t get their hands of red cyalumes, you can just buy red sausages>> Just substitute every other team with vegetables>> S = Oranges , KII = Red sausages, E = Cucumber>> I will make soup later on that night anyway, these will come in handyTomorrow, I wonder if throughout Nagoya every red penlight will be sold out….I’VE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING!
and there came a tweet from the main cyalumes supplier of SKE48 wota, DeraNannan, who also supplied for the orange penlight projects:
How happy I will be if Nagoya Dome is covered with Team KII’s red color(^ω^)♪* Miss bird, can’t we just do it on the 2nd day instead? (lol)If it is Red, Akarin will be happy>> what it seems like to other KII members — the red color is for KII’s sake
>>>what it seems like for Akarin — the colors is for Akarin’s sake