Jurina Matsui Leaves Hospital Still Take Time Untill Full Comeback

  April 13, 2012
Since we first heard about Jurina’s medical leave earlier this month , we’ve been praying for her early recovery and comeback. To our great relief, Jurina told fans she has discharged from the hospital early morning today via her G+. Overall her message is in a positive tone, and she suggested now she is rehabilitating her physical.

Fans already sent a tons of message to her on her blog.
“Congratulation for leaving the hospital, but don’t be hurry! Please take your time for full recovery!”

“Don’t push yourself too much again. Ace of SKE48 can’t be substituted!!”
“Welcome back! You don’t need to hurry, it’s ok to take it slow. We hope to see your faceo(*⌒―⌒*)o!
“I was relieved to hear the news. But please take a rest until you’re fully recovered. I’m waiting until then!!”

It’s reported that there have been reports from her manager stating she is not in good health condition for months, and it brought the headline when she was forced to miss the Shake-hand event 1th Apr due to sickness. Earlier this month the management announced she is going to take a medical leave and admits to hospital due to overwork and anemia. 

In addition to the photo she uploaded on G+, in which she poses a piece sign, she posted a photo in which she is sitting on couch in her blog. 

ご報告☆じゅりたん notice to fans from Jurina



As always, I’m sorry I couldn’t post messages often.

皆さんの暖かいコメントなどからパワーをもらったおかげもあっ て
Thanks for your kind comments, they gave me a power,
Now I could finally leave a hospital!!

I’m glad that I can present this news to you by myself.

But, it’s not that I’m in perfect condition. (sob..)

早く皆さんに会いたいです… I want to see your faces soon…

I want to meet you….

So, I gotta get better soon!!

I need to do stretching slowly and carefully so that my body start to move smoothly!!

それでは、That’s all for now,

また更新しますね♪ I will updates G+ later

Source Jurina Blog, Jurina G+