Here is an official announcement on SKE48’s blog.
On Jurina Matsui’s health condition
Thank you all as always for your support and cheer for SKE48.
Please let us announce the current condition of Jurina Matsui and plan for the near future.
For these several months we have heard that her condition was not good from her manager, and with keeping contact with her mother, we managed her time to let her consult her doctor. But we’ve respected her own will not to take a medical leave.
But if she continued working too hard, the consequence would be more severe and we would trouble fans again as we did with sudden cancellation of hand-shake event last time. We persuaded her into taking a rest and let her hospitalized for several days.
According to diagnosis of her doctor, her symptom is “Dizziness due to anemia, and overwork” and she will get better soon after taking a rest for several days, with plenty of sleep and nutrition.
She always says she is Ok, but we will keep close contact with her doctor, her mother, her manager, and her management office to keep her in good health condition.
We are so sorry for causing worry and trouble to fans, and all people involved in our business. Please keep watching her with affection and giving her a warm support.
Apr 4th 2012
They didn’t give any suggest whether she is getting better or not… so it’s better to suppose her condition is not so good or getting worse… Of course we hope she will get better soon, but when you have a chance meet her at whatever incidents after she gets back, please tell her “Not to push yourself so hard, when you feel sick, it’s not your fault, please take a rest!”