After Music Station: What Media Senbatsu Members Thought?

  May 26, 2012
Media Senbatsu members for Manatsu no Sounds Good! starred this week’s episode of TV music show Music Station on Friday. As this show is showcasing the stars of Japanese music scene, and considered as one of the most important media exposure for artists, the Senbatsu members expressed their impressions on their own performance in the show.

Sayaka Yamamoto on G+

“My cellphone finally got one antenna (´;ω;`) (So I can update my G+)!
Today I join AKB48‘s performance in the TV show Music Station!!
Please look for SotoHane~~(outwardly curled hair)”

Sayaka “Did you watch Music Station>
I thought I was the only SotoHane (in AKB members),
but I found Takamina-san was also SotoHane~~(//∀//)♡
SotoHane pair~~~~!”

Sayaka “I’m so sorry that it was difficult to find me in the performance….(>_<) (<- No....!! even though it was short, your elegant dance performance was standing out among Media Senbtsu!!)
I’ll improve myself so that you can put your eyes on me more easily and longer time!!”

Arisa Koyanagi “Sayanee~~~~~~~!!”

Sayaka “Dacchu~~~~no!!
I ended up taking a photo like this when I asked to take 2-shot photo with Shinoda-san.”

Sayaka “That pose (Dacchu~no pose) was requested by Shikoda-san, not my request(´;ω;`)
And….she even asked me to write “Dacchu~no” on my post (´;ω;`)
And…..finally again….. long-absent…… OyasumiSayaka~~~!!!”

Mariko on twitter

“We wrapped up the live filming session of Music Station\(^o^)/
Our new song
It was so fun( *`ω´)
Did you noticed that we (MariKoji) briskly did this ( *`ω´)八(бвб) as we were walking down the entrance stairs~?”

Mariko on G+

JuriMari( *`ω´) hehe”

Tomochin on twitter

“We finished the filming of Music Station♡”

Karen Iwata on G+

The day before the MS
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Music Station!?
I must do my best!!
Everyone! Please watch the on-air of the show(>_<)★!!
And…. thanks to Takamina-san and Takajo-san’s advises, I’ve become able to do wink\(^o^)/
I’m so grateful to them (T_T)
You may be able to see my wink in the show・・・???
Okay that’s about it, see you~~~★”

Nana Fujita “Big eyes!!”
Yuka Tano “It looks like you’re naked (・∀・)”
“I…. I got sooooooooooo much tense(>_<)
But what do you think about my wink?????
Did you watch it???
It’s like a lifetime memory(;_;)
But…..I don’t make this my last appearance!!
I’ll be striving for the next one!!
By the way I’ve become friends with Joe-san!!!
I was sitting next to her, so we could talk a lot!!!
Her smile is so charming・・・・(´ω`*)☆ノシ”

Rina Hirata “Good job♪”

Mao Mita “Please be a good friend of Joe\(´^∀^`)/”

Karen “Be the way, I made a wink at 「僕は~♪(Bokuha~)」 in the first refrain of 「去年よりも、僕は本気になる」(Kyonen yorimo Bokuha Honkininaru~)”lol”


Then again, I was given the opportunity to had such a great experience today!!!!
I want to…… cherish today, the time I’m living right now(^^) (<- this reminds me her word for the victims of the earthquake (ToT) )

Rena Katoh on G+

“I joined the filming session of Music Station (as Media Senbatsu for Manatsu no SG)
I got so tense. But it was so fun, too♡♡.
That was a good experience❣❣
Joe-chan Kawayusu(●^o^●)”

 Paruru on G+

“Did you watch Music Satation????

We wore new costumes in the show!!
Mine makes a pair with Kojima-san’s!! Yay~
And Sashihara-san and Kashiwagi-san took a photo with us!!
But can you find out where Sashihara-san is in the phto???  lol”
Airi Taniguchi “It was a great show~(´ω`*)!”
Juri Takahashi “Shimazaki-san…. You look stunning with long hair,too
Aina Fukumoto “Haruka~, I watched Music Station(o´罒`o)♡”

Suzuran Yamauchi on G+

“We finished the live filming of Music Station\(^^)/

Everyone! Did you watch the show?★
I got so nervous, but it was so fun, too!
Manatsu no Sounds Good!!
Between Paruru and me…. lol
Sashihara-san lol”

Rena on G+

“I keenly felt my lack of ability….

I feel so sorry for this….
What can I do???” (<-Because both Rena and Sayaka was in the furthest row, the camera rarely captured their performance during the song)
“My previous post is not about the election.
I was just thinking about various kinds of things…
If I am not strict to myself, my life will end up just being soaked in tepid water…
I just realized this scaring reality
that tepid water will make my body gets chilly.
Life should be as exiting as Goemon-Buro.

Sorry for being a confusing person as always…”

Milky on G+

“Thank you for watching♡
With cute and funny Kojiharu-san♡”
“This is our new costume for Manatsu no SG! which we wore for today’s Music Station
Thank you, Shinobu-san and other costume staffs♡
I am happy with this pink skirt♡♡
My costume makes a pair with Yuko-san♡ Yatta~~~~!!♡♡”
Akicha “It suits you well♪”
Shinobu “Oh….. again, I was hooked by Milky.”
Milky “Shinobu-san♡♡”
Milky “Shinobu-san commented on my post~~~♡Love”

Haruka Kodama on G+

Music Station will be starting soon♪
We will perform a new song.

Sashihra-san bought me a juice(๑>◡<๑)
Thank you so much!!
X100 energy★”


 Airi Taniguchi “Sashihara-san is very kind (´ω`*) “

Haruka Kodama
“This week’s episode of Music Station finished now!!
I’m so honorable to be given a chance to sing and dance on this wonderful stage(๑>◡<๑)
I was so nervous, but the sense of fulfillment after the show was just outstanding.
This time I joined the performance of our senior, AKB48‘s single…
But this experience made me determined that some day I want to perform on this stage as HKT48.
We gotta grow more and more so that many people will come to know and enjoy HKT48.
I will strive for this goal!”


Annin on G+
“A brother and sister?”
Renacchi and Akira from EXILE
 Rena Katoh “We are not a real brother and sister lol”
Annin “14 y/o and 29 y/o. So you’re not a father and daughter.”