Kaori Matsumura, the creator of the nickname of Google+ in Japan, “GUGUTASU” and the oldest KKS among all 48 groups, will have sleepless nights according to Ads producer Mr. Takamatsu.
Back in April….
“Tomorrow I’ll meet Google’ executive who’re now staying in Japan.
The person is Global Marketing Director at Goole.
I am going to show BBQ no 1 comeda and Hilaly’s 30 seconds English lesson to the person as examples how members talents have bloomed on G+.
It’s so exciting to introduce BBQ no 1 Comeda to Google’s manager as the representative if Japan. But do American understand 1 Comeda?
If we can choose 2 best 1 Comeda, what 1 Comeda would be? Please tell me everyone!”
The person is Global Marketing Director at Goole.
I am going to show BBQ no 1 comeda and Hilaly’s 30 seconds English lesson to the person as examples how members talents have bloomed on G+.
It’s so exciting to introduce BBQ no 1 Comeda to Google’s manager as the representative if Japan. But do American understand 1 Comeda?
If we can choose 2 best 1 Comeda, what 1 Comeda would be? Please tell me everyone!”
“Residents of G+, can you do me a favor?
I got an outstanding offer from Mr. Takamatsu, the creator of commercials of G+….”
Today, Mr. Takamatsu gave new comment on this ongoing project.
“So I’ve received a lot of comments from you on what happens after I introduced BB 1 Comeda and Hilary’s English lesson to the executive of Google. People say I kept waiting them too long…
And it’s absolutely true…. but I have to prioritize my job before this project.
I finished a report partially, but because it has become similar to our main project, I can’t publish the report on G+…
Our main project is Advertisement (of G+) and it’s interactive campaign.
So….guess what?
Wait for a while, residents of GUGUTASU.
Time will come soon when we show our true ability.
I can promise you that sleepless nights will come.
And…. it’s will come really soon…!!“

Actually there’s a possibility that every fan who has Oshi-men may have sleepless nights!!
But…. it’s just a possibility and does not mean it’s will certainly come true.”

“Takamatsu-san! I’m so glad that you remember this( ´°ω°`)
I’m so happy(๑˙ o˙๑)♡
I’ll be waiting all the while!”
What their next “main project” will be like? According to Mr. Takamatsu’s G+ comments, this project basically targets on overseas fans and users of G+. How 1 Comeda and AKB movement will be translated into global language? Sounds like we can join and support the project to diminish the language and cultural barrier with our girls.
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