Sae Photo-Matsuri Starts Right Now~~~~~!!!

  May 6, 2012

Though her appeal comment in the video is too normal until the last portion (she said right half of her face have a girl like makeup while another half have a light makeup to look like a boy, because she want to show her girly side hidden behind her boyish image this year), she turns around with her concluding comment with a great wit.
“Please everyone! Make me your favorite horse and bet on me~~~~!!” Yes!!
(she is currently serving as MC for horse racing TV news!)

From two channel “Let’s start (Midnight) Sae Photo-Matsuri~~!”
Ikemen Saetan

 Saetan recently changed to softly curled hairstyle 
 Sae-tan with Ultraman pose
 Beautiful Sae-tan
2 shot photos!
 Twin Tower of AKB
 This Sae-tan is so cute…
This is the best photo among recently taken photos of Saetan (From Live in Washington!!)
 Karen-tan thrown encouraging words from Sae-tan!! You’re so lucky surrounded  with such good big sisters
“I’m sleepy, please complete this photo collage..”
 Don’t throw things up! Do you want me to slap you!?!?
Don’t sleep…. Don’t make feel lonely..
 Catch me if you can~~~~!
Twin T
Sae, Yuka and Umechan embracing Sayaka after she completed Tokyo Marathon
Saetantan!! We can see both past Saetan and recent Saetan, and both are so cute!!
Matsuri! Matsuri!! Matsuri makes my blood dance!!! 祭!!!
First time win of Horse Racing bet!!!
 Saetan’s recent favorite girl, AbeMari
 In Jakarta with JKT member!!
 Ikemen can keep cool when cute girls are holding his arms, pushing their chests onto him
 Amused Saetan trying to keep cool
 Saetan right middle in flirting a girl
 Asuka from Double Heroine (musical)
 daydreaming Sae with SayaNee
 Suzuran and dreaming Sae
Sae Kiss Matsuri~~~~!!! 祭!!!
Thank you so much for sharing variety of 2 shot photos, though Sae is cute with anyone next to her,  Twin Tower is the best after all!!