SKE48, the idol group based in Nagoya has a club called “2-dimension lover club” (2次元同好会/にじげんどうこうかい), the group consists of members who love Anime or Manga, so called 2-dimension stuffs.
This time, we asked the three of major members of the club, 2nd chairman Hata Sawako (1st chairman was Matsushita Yui, a former member of SKE48), Furukawa Airi and Yakata Miki to talk about how they’ve become interested in Amime or Manga, as well as their impression about this (controversial) word, Otaku.
-What was the first Manga or Anime you got hooked on?
Furukawa Airi: In my case, it was Bishojo game (美少女ゲームa type of Japanese video game centered on interactions with attractive anime-style girls). It was called Kanon. It was also made into Anime. If my memory serves me right, it was when I was in the upper grades of an elementary school or just after I entered a junior high school.
Hata Sawako: My case may be a bit different from everyone. I’ve started watching Anime because I want to become Seiyu and I figured it’s necessary to study Anime to achieve my dream. And I found Anime interesting. I remember it was back when I was 18 years old (2006~07). Tamura Yukari-san was the first Seiyu that I’ve become a fan of.
She is good at acting, and her career made me interested in her, too. At Seiyu training school, she had been an ordinary student who entered the school as a scholarship student. I’d been reading Mange before I’ve become interested in Seiyu, but it’s the starting point where I’ve become absorbed in the world of 2-dimension.
Yakata Miki: For me, it’s started with Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (鋼の錬金術師/Fullmetal Alchemist). I’ve been interested in it’s Manga series since when it’d been published on the magazine, GANGAN, and around when it was made into Anime, I’ve got hooked on it. It was perhaps when I was 4th grader.
-How did you get to know games or Manga for men?
Furukawa: In my case, it was my elder brother. I was watching him playing video games all the time, and that I’v become interested in them. So you know, it was just like how story unfolds in Bishojo games lol.
It’s not only Anime, but for Manga, too, I like men’s comics like BAKI or JOJO.
Yakata: Me, too, actually. I’ve been a fan of Inuyasha since when I was a kid! Because I have a little brother, and he bought KoroKoro every month, I’ve been exposed to men’t stuffs, too.
Furukawa: Furukawa family’s must-buy comic magazine was comic BonBon before it was replaced by Jump. But while I’ve been reading boys comics, I’d also kept reading Ribbon regularly.
Hata: Ribbon is something that everyone has gone through. My essentials were Nakayoshi, Ribbon and Shonen Ace. After them, I’ve started buying Hana to Yume.
-Back then, how did you enjoy or get addicted to 2-dimension?
Furukawa: I was having fun with drawing illustrations of Kanon. But when I showed them to my school mates, no one seemed to be able to understand the idea of what I was doing lol
Yakata: The thing I was crazy about is Hagaren’s card games (Card game for Fullmetal Alchemist). I can get 4 cards for each time, and I vividly remember that I was playing it for 30 times a day until I could get a rare card. I bought all Hagaren goods, and stationeries at Animate, and using them at a school.
Furukawa: Me, too! I bought tons of trading cards and Shitaziki. Because usually goods for Bishonjo games are very few, whenever I find them, I buy them immidiately without thinking anything.
Yakata: Certainly.
Furukawa: Though now you can find plenty of them, back then, we could rarely find them.
And… Sister Princess is the stuff I’ve been crazy about the most. It was my adolescence.
Because many bonus goods of this game were contained in Game Magazines, I’d been using the goods for a long time.