HKT48 no Ichiban Kawaikute Omoshiroi Member Desu!
( HKT48’s cutest & most interesting member! )
Well, the self-proclaimed cutest and funniest at least. But, HKT48 themselves voted her as their cutest member.
Most girls would be far too shy or embarrassed to do the things she does, or would give up when they got made fun of—since her debut Aanya has been dedicated to bringing more laughter into the world.
Aanya volunteers for just about everything she is given an opportunity to do. She’ll put herself in the most embarrassing of situations to get those around her to laugh. Any time she can impress you, she’ll try!
Batsu Game wa Oshige! ;_;
Perhaps more than any other member of HKT, her willingness to put herself out there and to try her hardest has caused her pain.
Gui Gui
Everyone who meets Aanya quickly comes to like her. TV show hosts, comedians, mascots, models, fans and even fake members of AKB quickly become her friends.
Aanya adopts gimmicks of other idol groups and listens to their songs.
Notice her saying “ureshige”, “kanashige”, and “gambarishige”? Compare this to Otsukareina and Otomomochi. Her introduction of “Everyone’s beloved Murashige”? Compare it to “Everyone’s Idol.”
One of Aanya’s nicknames is “Shigeko”. “Shigechan” is a sempai from a different company, but her same province. Aanya’s habit of calling herself cute seems influenced by her. Aanya went to her concert and left her a present. And a month after Shigechan’s radio program ended, Shigeko launched her own program.