JRA, Japan Horse Race Association, always stars the icon of the generation for it’s Ads. That said, it’s no brainer to guess who will be the face of their next commercial.
According to the official announcement from JRA, it starts a chain of events to let people more exposed to and enjoy horse race. People can register and join the campaign named “SMART JRA!”.
This spring, spring is the season of several famous Grade 1 races, total 28 members of AKB48, who are 20 or older than 20 y/o, form “AKB Horse Racing Club”, and compete against each other in betting the races to win the starring role for the JRA’s autumn commercial.
They guess 5 Grade 1 horse races in this spring, Tennoh Shou (Spring), NHK Mile Cup, Victoria Mile, Oaks, and Japan Derby.
Fans can also participate in AKB’s betting. You can register the member you support, and guess the results of the 5 races, and if you have a good result and ranked high among other participants or the member you support win the competition, you will get gifts from JRA.
Registration will starts 13th Apr. (those who are under age of 20 can not register thsi campaign)