Model and actress, Triendl Reina mentioned on her blog that she voted for her friend and AKB48 member Tomomi Itano at AKB48 27th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo.
Tomochin and Reina has often mentioned each other on their blog. Recently 2 girls made the cover of Fashion Magazine ViVi together. Tomochin last year wrote that she spent last Christmas eve with Reina, and Reina worte “It’s a huge relief that I can be with Tomo!” when she was with Tomochin at the photographing session for the magazine. These two girls are at the same age, and are known to be close friends.
Yesterday, Triendl Reina wrote on her blog “I voted at AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo after work today. I voted for Tomo♪” on 25th. She hasn’t yet to tell this to Tomochin, as she wrote “Is Tomo reading this? lol”
In the last election, Tomochin ended up 8th, rank down 4 from the 2nd election, though in 2011 she made her solo debut with the single Dear J. She now placed 9th in the early result of the ongoing AKB48 27th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo with a lead of only 300 votes over Sae, who placed 10th.
Source CinemaToday
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