I want to everyone loves me otherwise I get whiney!
『寝ても、覚めても、ゆきりんワールド♪ 夢中にさせちゃうぞ!』
Both awake and in sleep you’re in Yukirin’s world! I make you GAGA!
Team B captain, forver idol YUKIRIN♪
Idol for lyfe! Cheer up Yuki Kashiwagi aka Yukirin Hailing from Kagoshima!!
I’m pretty sure some day if the war between China and Japan would occur, it must be because both try to claim the right to own “Yurkrin” 柏木由紀.
Yukirin ranked 3rd in the last general election and makes tons of media appearance these days. She become a member of AKB48 from the 3rd audition, along with Haruka Nakagawa, Sayaka Nakaya and Mayuyu. She has captured hearts of Japanese men with her Anime-like personality, voice and looks. By Anime-like I mean she colors this noisy world with colorful flower colors by the way. So why I say her existence may trigger the war between Japan and China? Because just like or more than in Japan Yukirin is becoming iconic figure in China!!

Awesome Japanese fans translated the magazine’s article!!
– CD売り上げなどは気になっていない。ファンの支えと応援のほうが。ファンの応援はプレッシャーを克服させる。
I don’t care CD sales. Rather I care fans’ support and cheers. Their cheer help me overcome pressure.
– 香港に来た時はたくさんのファンと記者が待っていた。空港を出るのに時間が掛かったけど、たくさんのファンが付いていて、ファンの情熱を感じられて気持ちよかったそうだ。
When I came to Hong Kong, so many fans and reporters were waiting for me. It took a time to get out of airport, but a lot of fans followed me, and I could feel their passion. That felt so nice.
– オフの時は絶対目覚まし時計をかけない。時々他のメンバーと一緒に遊園地に遊びに行く。
I don’t set alarm when I’m off. Sometimes I go to Amusement-park with other members.
– 花ざかりの君たちへに出演した後はドラマについて面白く思っている。これからも挑戦したいと。
After Drama “Hanazakarino Kimitachihe”, I’m interested in Drama. (she is now a member of “AKB Thetre Club”) I want to perform more Drama in the future.
– 今年の総選挙の目標については頑張ってファンへの恩返しをする。
I want to requite for fans of thier support for the last election.
– チームAの片山とチームKの宮沢と仲良く。
Friends with Katayama (Team A) and Miyazawa (team K)
– 香港の夜景は美しい。見たい。
Nightscape of HK is beautiful. I want to I want to see with my own eyes.
– Give Me Fiveは最初トロンボーンをやりたいと言っていたけど、ドラム担当になった。よく頑張ってから段々ドラムを面白く感じている。
Initially I said I wanted to play trombone for “Give Me Five” but I ended up playing Drum. After practicing hard, I became liking it!
– 今年AKBINGOでは48グループで最も運悪いメンバーと判定されたけど、今までは悪かったことがないそうだ。かえってこれを心配するファンもいて、少し不安を感じている。だけど何事にも気をつけて頑張ると。
In this year’s AKBINGO, I was judged as the most un-lucky member, but I never thought I was unlucky until then. Since then, some fans worry about me, and it made me a little bit uneasy. But I try to be careful for everything.
– 震災復興応援活動については被災者に応援を送るはずだったけど、むしろあそこのファンらから強く励まされたと。
We were supposed to cheer up the victims of Tsunami, but contrarily, it was us that were cheered up by fans there.
– AKBは珍しくよく沢山のファンに近く会えるアイドルグループだから、毎回ファンに会えた時にAKBのメンバーであることを嬉しく感じている。
Unlike other idols AKB48 is close to fans and can meet a lot of fans actually. Whenever I meet fans and talk together, I feel it’s s nice to be a member of this group.

Megane Mariko & Megane Yukirin

Yukirin from home?

Sashiko lol
And… this is the final blow!!

I feel nauseated because she is just too cute…