13日、宮本亜門演出のミュージカル「THE WIZ」の第一回目のオーディションが行われた。AKB48の演劇部の8人がオーディションを受け、山内鈴蘭、宮崎美穂、高橋朱里、竹内美宥の4人が第一次予選を通過した。
The first audition for the Musical “The Wiz “produced by Amon Miyamoto was conducted 13th Apr. 8 members of “AKB Theatre Club” participated, and 4 were passed it.
Audition will go on to Osaka for NMB48 and Hakata for HKT48 today 14th.
■第一回目オーディション参加メンバーMembers participated the first audition
Suzuran Yamauchi 山内鈴蘭、Miori Ichikawa 市川美織、Erena Saeed Yokota サイード横田絵玲奈、Miho Miyazaki 宮崎美穂、Rina Izuta 伊豆田莉奈、Juri Takahashi 高橋朱里、Yukari Sasaki 佐々木優佳里、Miyu Takeuti 竹内美宥
■予選通過メンバーMembers passed the first audition
Suzuran Yamauchi 山内鈴蘭、Miho Miyazaki 宮崎美穂、Juri Takahashi 高橋朱里、Miyu Takeuti 竹内美宥
The 8 members of drama club ( Suzuran Yamauchi , Miori Ichikawa, side Erena Yokota , Miho Miyazaki , Rina Izuta , Juri Takahashi , Yukari Sasaki , Miyu Takeuchi ) will participate , Suzuran Yamauchi , Miho Miyazaki , Juri Takahashi , and Miyu Takeuchi, the four of them passed the first elimination .
Because the number one stage director spared time only for the 8 to audition , I bet everyone had a great experience .
I wrote that it is still the first audition , so there are a lot of auditions to come . Because the members’ schedule do not fit with the exact audition date , it has been decided to split them into different groups for how many times . Tomorrow , Mr. Amon Miyamoto will go to Osaka and conduct an audition for the members of NMB48 and HKT48 .
You can feel Mr. Amon Miyamoto’s spirit of trying to select a new face to play the role of Dorothy which has not yet been selected until now .
Mr. Amon requested that first , the drama club will preferably do the auditions .
Today, he let the 8 members to do the audition and it seems that he felt the energy of AKB48 , and it’s like he was saying that “If possible , I would like to see more members “.
Everyone , do your best !!
(BTW who is translating AKB48’s google+? This is soooooo inacurate! Lame:(( (note: this is one Japanese perspective, and I’m sure I also made a lot of mistake in my translation so don’t take it seriously!))

Director Amon Miyamoto, the first musical audition of “THE WIZ” was held in Osaka.
Drama club NMB48
Haruna Kinoshita, Narumi Koga , Arisa Koyanagi , Rina Kondo , Megumi Uenishi , Miru Shiroma ,
Airi Tanigawa , Fuko Yagura , Momoka Hayashi, Miyuki Watanabe,
Drama club HKT48
Nan’o Ueki, Ayaka Nakanishi, Sakura Miyawaki.
There were 13 people who have auditioned .
There were 3 people who passed through the first qualifying round .
The successful candidates were :
Miru Shiroma (NMB48)
Fuko Yagura (NMB48)
Sakura Miyawaki (HKT48)
Good luck everyone ! !

Also , other 51 people except NMB48 drama club have joined the audition .
Mr. Amon Miyamoto seems to have participated during the audition .
(Mistake! other 51 member s of NMB48 not belong to NMB thetre club were auditioned by Amon Miyamoto)
only one person passed was Aya Yamamoto .
In addition to the three passers earlier , Yamamoto will be one of them.
I heard audition step will continue more.
Good luck everyone .

I think the Drama Club started because of the comment AKB48 team 4′s Nakamura made on her G+ . We are thinking to do theater somewhere this year if it is possible .
To do so, now we are in the process of selecting the advisers and a production house. Our goal is setting up regular performances of the Drama club .
Mr. Amon Miyamoto’s “ THE WIZ ” has a different story. Mr.Amon said , “ I’m looking for someone to do the role of Dorothy ” and I said , “there ‘s a drama club in the AKB Group ”. This conversation triggered the this audition . “Since we do audition for AKB members, why not meet many of members in person.” and that seems why the staff set the audition .
As I mentioned many times , Mr.Amon will do a lot of auditions according to the schedule of him and of the members .
The other clubs also would have their activities of their own, as well as other activities .
My colleague from Kyto Art academy will actually give lectures for the Fine arts club.
If there will be open opportunities for audition for other members not blong to the Drama Club , then you may think ”joining the Drama Club is useless ”. But it’s wrong since the Drama Club is also doing their own club activities not just for audition.
Everything has been taken cared of by Amon Miyamoto .
I only hear the reports about the audition from the staff .
And I heard the mood of the audition is pretty serious. Please look forward for who will be chosen for Drothy!.
As you may notice, there was no mention to SKE48, which made Rena Matsui of SKE48 wrote this comment.
AKB演劇部は、今日、宮本亜門さんの第一次オーディションを受けるらしい。みんな、頑張れ~! AKB48 Theatre club will join the audition for”The Whiz” priduced by Amon Miyamoto. Good luck everyone~!
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skeは受けてません SKE didn’t join the audition
Current Results
Theatre Club members
部長 中村麻里子 (Mariko Nakamura)
副部長 永尾まりや (Mariya Nagao)
部員 大場美奈(Mina Oba) ○山内鈴蘭(Suzuran Yamauti) ●伊豆田莉奈(Rina Izuta) ●サイード横田絵玲奈 (Erena Saeed Yokota)
●佐々木優佳里(Yukari Sasaki) 加藤玲奈(Rena Kato) 柏木由紀(Yuki Kawhiwagi) 仲谷明香(Sayaka Nakaya) ●市川美織 (Miori Ichikawa)
○竹内美宥(Miyu Takeuchi) ○宮崎美穂(Miho Miyazaki) ○高橋朱理(Zuri Takahashi) 川栄李奈(Rina Kawaei) 菊地あやか (Ayaka Kikuchi)
SKE 酒井萌衣 都築里佳 木﨑ゆりあ 木本花音 松井玲奈(Rena Matsui)
NMB 谷川愛梨 矢倉楓子 近藤里奈 小柳有沙 林萌々香 木下春奈
古賀成美 渡辺美優紀 上西恵 白間美瑠
HKT 宮脇咲良 仲西彩佳 植木南央
Since AkiP said whole audition process is managed by the director (and writer) Amon Miyamoto, and since Amon stated that he wants to see as many members as possible, and AkiP asked him to audition the members of theater club first, I’m pretty sure Rena Matsui and SKE48 members must have chance as well!!
Source AkiP G+