The Moment Paruru Confessed She Knows Fans Call Her Ponkotsu

  April 25, 2012

Team 4’s rising dragon or cutest Melon, Paruru revealed she know fans are calling her Ponkotsu.

From now we are introducing letters from listeners. “(reading a letter)Good Evening everyone!” Members “Good Evening!” “(reading a letter) A little time before, when I was watching TV program of AKB, in the program, team 4 members were selected as xx Senbatsu. Haruu was selected as Athletic Senbatsu, Miorin was as Stone-Head Senbatsu. But Paruru wasn’t selected for any Senbatsu. SO my question is if you’re selected xx Senbatsu, what Senbatsu you want to be in, Paruru?” Paruru “I know, everyone is gonna say ‘Ponkotsu-senbatsu’…” Mariya “How about Idol Senbatsu or Hello-Pro Senbatsu??” Paruru “Wow…. uhmm in that case, I’m gonna lose to Sashihara-san…” Mariya “Okay, so what Senbatsu do you think you can win anyone else?” Paruru “I’m thinking…” Haruu “Paruru, how about Melon-pan??” Paruru “Then I’m gonna lost to Melon-chan (Lemon-chan?)…” Haruu “Oh you’re gonna lose…. Uhmmm then how about my-pace Senbatsu (=doing things at your own pace)??” Paruru “Ah! That’s it. I like it!”
Aired on 16th Jan 2012
Cast: Paruru, Haruu (Haruka Shimaba), Mariya Nagao from AKB team4
Note: Commercial and music were removed to avoid copyright infringement

Fans commented “Since even Google knows Paruru is called Ponkotsu, sooner or later this would have happened…” lol