Karen Iwata G+
Everyone thank you so much(^^)
But I get really angry with heartless comments like the one a little above.
Yeah I know there’re many people who don’t like me.
But I’ll never allow them to give a bad feeling to fans who gather here.
If you want to say something to you, then say it to me in person at Handshake event or something.
LOL Karen….. she declared a war against Anti… lol
LOL Karen is becoming like Amina!! As we know, she is Amina’s pupil.
I searched through the comments form but I couldn’t figure out whether the comment in question was still there nor not.
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
Karen Iwata is gross~
lol Because she wrote her comment to Anti in a very honorable tone, I thought it was a long and deep comment… but it’s just a crazy troll’s comment!!
I heard that someone barked like a dog when he was refused to shake hands with her.
Maybe because her talent and situation, the proportion between normal Ota and crazy Ota is a bit different in her case compared to other members.
Karen-chan, you can just ignore those comments..
Though it’s nice of her to say this comment,
I want TGSK to deal with this kind of fellows who troll around member’s G+ and leave a lot of negative comments…
Don’t let members directly respond to them…. it’s just too risky…
Okay so this dude made consecutive comments.
Then it’s understandable that it got on he rnerve.
Actually Karen’s lane has relatively more Anti who come to rant to her in person,
so TGSK, staffs or OJS often monitoring her lane.
Do you remember other members who made comments against Anti on their google+??
I remember Sashihara and Okaro…
I think Lovetan also did it in the early days.
I saw Wasamin was getting angry in a very straight forward way like “What the heck are you doing here? Go away!”.
And the comment she was angry at was Anti comments to Mitsumune…… on Wasamin’s comments form lol
Yeah I remember it was like “Hey you! Shut Up!!”
I was taken aback as her comment was too straight forward lol
Karen-chan edited the post, adding one sentence at the end.
Karen Iwata G+
Everyone thank you so much(^^)
But I get really angry with heartless comments like the one a little above.
Yeah I know there’re many people who don’t like me.
But I’ll never allow them to give a bad feeling to fans who gather here.
If you want to say something to you, then say it to me in person at Handshake event or something.
I determined that I’ll never escape!! (^^)
It’s not on GUGUTSU, but once upon a time, Shiichan also said to fans, “if you don’t like me, then come to meet me to say it in person!! I know I’m ugly so don’t write that on my blog!!! If you think I’m that ugly, then say it to me in person!! If you do take it to that degree, then I’ll approve that you’re a fan.”
Though I think because they don’t want to be approved as a fan, they troll around on ther GUGUTASU…
I think Karen is influenced by the last episode of 0048…
LOL That so cute!!
I think it’s must be a part of the reason!! lol
So Karen-chan is a bit easily influenced lol
Because Karen is 2nd year of junior high shool (Chuuni)…. lol
(13-14 y/o is typically said to be the period when person get mentally unstable the most in one’s lifetime on 2channel)
After Mariko’s remark, everyone has become aggressive lol
I think it’s also the part of the reason. So she got influenced various kind of thing.
You know she even made fun of her self with “I’m Chuuni-byou(disease)” joke.
She took Mariko’s speech in a wrong way???
Karen Iwata on G+
I’ll never forget Shinoda-san’s words.
Shinoda-san’s comment in this election pushed me forward.
It’s a great environment that I can have a senior who I can challenge at full power!!
I will put forth my full energy !!★?
I think she should refrain from commenting on Anti comments, especially when it’s a troll.
In rare case, we see some members criticize about Anti’s comments, but those members carefully choose their words.
So if she is not that clever, she shouldn’t do it.
But she is still junior high school student, isn’t it?
It’s too crazy to troll on such a young girl.
You can’t blame her to get mad at this when she is still a middle school kid.
So Karen will see some Anti trolling around her in person at Handshake event.
As a result, it’s none other than her who gets hurt.
She is just stupid.
I don’t think those online trolls have courage to say the same word to her in person…
But there really are such people…
Sashihara often has such Anti at Handshake event.
You know what? What her comment really means is “if you have compliant, then you should buy theater version to meet me!!!”
Yeah after all, that’s what matters.
This is gonna be the new marketing method!