16th Umeda Ayaka
Thank you so much for allowing me to stand on this stage.
Actually I’ve been worrying until today rolled around. And I guess people somehow felt my uneasiness as they told me at Akusyukai that “Umechan. Please trust in your fans”.
It dawned on me.
I felt sorry for fans but at the same time I was filled with the feeling of gratitude….. As I thought about that there are fans who trust in me as much as this number of votes, I feel so happy.
As I keep going forward in this business, I will have a lot of happy moments and sad moments,
But, even if 99% of time I will have a tough time, if remaining 1% is a happy moment that I can shed tears of happiness, I’ll never stop looking forward and try my best.
So, please watch the path I will walk in the future.
When the shocking result of Akicha was announced, Acchan seemed to have lost words as she covered her mouths with hands, having a overwhelmed expression, but after the commercial, when the announcement of Senbatsu members started and Umchan’s name was called, Acchan was clapping hands, sending her congratulation to her. She looked so happy.
15th Yui Yokoyama
Last year, you gave me an opportunity to stand on this stage as 19th….
(Yuko smiles, Kitarie and Yukirn send cheers to her, “Ganbare~~~”)
I was really, really, really happy….
(Takamina and Jurina nodding and make Doyagao face)
I’ve been thinking that I must pay gratitude to you this year,
I was thinking this thoughout this year..
And I was given the 15th place…..
(Yui was overwhelmed with enormous feeling, and could barely keep standing by holding a standing mic, and Mr. Tokumitsu came close to her to lend her hands)
I don’t lend Tokumitsu-san’s hand this year.
I have really, really, many, many things to tell you….
I’ll again lend your hands this year, and with your support, I’ll bust my tail, step by step, so that many people will approve me as 15th….
Thank you so much for voting for me..Mr. Tokumitsu: I heard her mother has come to watch this event from Kyoto.
She repeatedly said, “Yui is Kawaii, Yui is really Kawaii.” She had a gentle smile on her face as she was listening to Yui’s speech.
14th Minegishi Minami (coming soon)
今年も沢山の応援をありがとうございました。Thank you much for your support as always.今年は総選挙の話になると、This year, when I talked about the general election in media,16位と17位どっちが美味しいんですかねって言ってみたり、I said, “16th and 17th, which actually can get better position and more exposure?”バラエティ班だから順位はあまり気にしていないと言ってみたり、or “Because I’m in charge of variety TV show in AKB48, I don’t mind the ranking.”いつも平気な振りをしていましたが、I pretended that I was keeping it cool with the election approaching.いつも頭の中で描くのは、1つでも高い順位でステージにあがり、うれし涙でぐちゃぐちゃになる自分でした。But what I’ve been always picturing in my mind was…. me standing on the stage with the better result as possible, and shedding tears of happiness til my face become messy.素直になれなくてごめんなさい。I’m sorry that I couldn’t being honest.ずっとこの景色が見たかったです。I’ve aspired to see this view from this stage.お母さんからメールで、何にでも自慢のみなみだよって来て、My mother told me in text message that “No matter which ranking you get, I’m proud of you.”きっとこうして応援してくれている皆さんも同じ気持ちで応援してくれていたんだと思います。And I thought that people supporting me have the same feeling as me mother when they send cheers to me.みなさんがいてからこその峯岸みなみだということをこれからも胸に留めて、これからもAKB48の良きスパイスとて頑張ります。Minami Minegishi is here because of you. I always keep this in my heart, and will be trying my best as “good spice” of AKB48.今はもうこのまま消えてしまいたいくらい幸せです。Now… I’m so happy that I would want to disappear with this feeling.
As Miichan starts crying, Acchan also had teary eyes. When Miichan’s face was full of tears, Acchan was also shedding tears.
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