AKB48 41st Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo – Information & Dates

Total Result of each 48 group wota’s opinions on the upcoming AKB48 Grand Reformation

There’re So Many Photos That Prove AKB48 Kato Rena Is A Serial Kisser

Mukaichi Mion vs Miyawaki Sakura vs Owada Nana – Who is the most famous in Japan?

Archive for 4th General Election 2012 by AKB48WrapUp  •  4th General Election 2012 

The reason why Haruu was smiling at Budo-Kan (and 3 other stories)


The reason why Haruu could smile though she couldn’t make it into top64 From Tokyo Sport Haruka Shimada has often taken a role of leader among junior members since when she was

Members Comments One Night After The Election – Nextgirls (From Weekly Playboy)


48th Haruka KatayamaI was soothed by the result. Last year, as I dropped to out of the ranking, I’d been filled with a regretful thought – “Why didn’t I put

Members Comments One Night After The Election – Senbatsu (From Weekly Playboy)


16th Ayaka UmedaAbout since the announcement of 20th, I’d been praying, “Please don’t call me name”.So when my name was called, I felt like pumping my fists in the air,

AKB48 – General Election ‘Next Girls’ Speeches


NEXT GIRLS (48th to 33rd)  48th – Haruka Katayama (AKB48 Team A) AKB48チームAの片山陽加(かたやま はるか)です。投票してくださった皆さん、応援してくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。昨年、私は圏外ですごくすごく悔しい思いをしました。それから一年間どうしたらもっと知ってもらえるんだろう、どうしたらもっと愛してもらえるんだろうと、必死に自分なりに考えて頑張ってきました。その結果が48位という順位をいただけたんだと思います。これからももっともっとたくさんの方に愛してもらえるような素敵な魅力的な女性になっていけるよう、精進して頑張っていきたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました!  I am Haruka Katayama from AKB48’s Team A. Thank you so very much to the people that have

AKB48 – General Election ‘Future Girls’ Speeches


(Note: I, Wingom, used first name then last name)This was originally from my blog http://wingom.livejournal.com/9854.html (but this version is slightly newer)Source for images :http://nikkan-spa.jp/227862FUTURE GIRLS (64th to 49th) 64th – Mika Komori

Bistro Smap: Kiss Scene (Updated)


Yuko Mayu Rino, Yuki Takamina, Mariko Tomochin, Haruna Rena, Jurina Tomo~mi, Sae Miichan, Kitarie Miichan, Yui Ume, Yui “Now the time has come…. lol“WOWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww“Damn━━━━━━(|||゚Д゚)━━━━━━!!!!!! I’m truly envious… “LOL After all everyone kissed??“F**k Smap, F**k

Election tickets should be bundled with Chocolate snacks!!!!! (and 3 other stories on Tokumitsu-san, Wasamin and Churi)


TV caption showed G+ comment of Internet tough girl, Wasamin (Caption) Wasamin “Aichan (Lovetan) Kawaii hummmm (`Д’;) I wanna eat you.” “ LOL Wasamin’s pervert comment on G+ became TV

Election Speech 3rd: Yuki Kashiwagi


  After members who are below 16 y/o left the venue, we reached the announcement of 3rd place. Yukirin was having a very silent and distant look. To her right was

Election Speech 4th: Rino Sashihara


4th Rino Sashihara The release of her solo photobook “Shshiko“, solo debut as 5th member from AKB48 to go solo, making regular appearance in the afternoon TV show Waratte Iitomo,

Gatekeepers of Senbatsu, Tomomi Kasai, Minami Minegishi, Rie Kitahara and Yui Yokoyama


Iron-tight defense of Kasai, Minegishi, Kitahara and Yokoyama “Their iron-tight defense has crushed the dreams of many fresh faces.This time they enough showed how powerful they are by defeating Sayanee

Election Real – Natsumi Matsubara


Cruelness of the election you can’t see in TV broadcast Team A of AKB48 is often called “group of stars” or “Face of AKB48“. This group is the origin of AKB48,

Members’ Reactions to Mariko’s Speech (and one more story, ‘Which member do you want to marry?’)


“Who is your ideal bride?” Ranking Gurunavi, restaurant search website and SNS, conducted “AKB’s the most ideal bride” poll.(A total 950 male in their 10’s to 40’s answered the poll)

Election Speech 8-10th (Tomomi Itano, Jurina Matsui, Rena Matsui)


(Since the moment Rena’s name was called, Jurina had looked overcome by emotion. There was a sheer contrast between Rena who kept poised , and Jurina who got emotionally high

Election Speech 11-13th (Sae Miyazawa, Tomomi Kasai, Rie Kitahara)


Before the announcement of 13th place, FujiTV’s announcer interviewed to Sashiko. Because she is the only member who got interviewed in this broadcast and announcement is delayed because of this interview, Sashiko looked so embarrassed. “So

Election Speech 14-16th (Minami Minegishi, Yui Yokoyama, Ayaka Umeda)


16th Umeda Ayaka 今年もこのステージに立たせていただいて本当にありがとうございます。Thank you so much for allowing me to stand on this stage.この日が来るまでとてもドキドキしていて、それがファンの方々に伝わったのか、握手会で、「梅ちゃん、ファンを信じて下さい」って言われました。Actually I’ve been worrying until today rolled around.  And I guess people somehow felt my uneasiness

Is it only me who was deeply moved when KK hugged Okaro


“They both had really nice expression(´;ω;`)And members are warmly smiling as they are looking at them….“I will never get bored with this scene.Though this is a real scene, it was

What Ota are thinking about the result of AKB48 4th General Election (Mariko Shinoda’s Uekara (and Shitakara) Atitude)


What Ota are thinking about the result of AKB48 4th General Election “I know you guys have plenty of things to say.“FujiTV is shit.(Fuji’s election live coverage ended in the