Earlier this year
Code-like? letters are printed on AKB official idary and I analyzed it, then I found many information from them.It looks like they will relocate the theater on 8th Feb next year.4/7 BS 剥強 (Hagashi Tsuyoi) – Tokyo BigSight, Intensive Hagashi (*Hagashi: staffs who urge fans to get off from members if they linger)
4/8 BS剥弱 (Hagashi Yowai) – Tokyo BigSight, Soft Hagashi
4/17 神KK (KamiKK) – KK will be like Kami?
4/28 WT4IKE – ??
5/2 指スラカルタ (Sashi– Srakarta) – Sashihara will release her solo single (There is a place called Solo-Srakarta in Indonesia (Spelling is not correct))
5/18 17GK涙 (GK Namida) – ?
5/22 XYZ – ?
6/10 no3巣鴨 (no3 Sugamo) – No Sleeves will do something in Sugamo?
6/11 SR決定 (SR determined) – Sony Record ? Sapporo??
6/23 ?おやつ (Sweets) – They will do something at Oyatsu Stage??(Oyatsu Stage: stage starts from 15:30)
6/26 NYT豪徳寺 (NYT Gotokuji) – Not Yet will do something in Gotokuji?
7/2 MS五反田 (MS Gotanda) – MS means Mariko? Mariyanne?
7/7 ウチハナヤム (Uchihanayamu) - ?
7/14 苦役PRE (Kueki Pre) – Maeda starring movie Kueki Ressha, movie premier
7/18 yssB - Inoue Yoshimasa bitrthday
7/20 25:47 - ?
8/11 -3 - ?
8/14 365m – Something will happen at Kanda shrine (365 m from the theater)
8/18 -2 - ?
8/25 再検討(Reconsider) -?
9/5 BBAスラカルタ - Katayama Haruka will make solo debut?
9/10 ▲サズヒレ - ?
9/24 -7 - ?
9/25 +38 - ?
10/6 ? - JKT will make solo debut? (?=Melody)
10/19 ggrHKT – HKT will make single debut? (ggr = google it)
10/28 CAP29 – They will do something with captains, Noro-san will become 29y/o?
11/4 2×2=5 - ?
11/23 くす玉とニョッキ (Ornament ball and Gnocchi) - ?
11/26 JL401 - What about Jal’s flight???
12/5 TH6648 -?
12/8 6+1=red - 7th anniversary, the number of tapes attached on the columns in AKB theater1/15 ♪Re Sol Mi Do Do Re - ?
1/18 tgsk65再漏 – TGSK again accidentally dropped 65th song of request hour
1/20 姉諾威鴨涙 - ?
2/8 △カカスミエエサ (KaKaSuMiEESa) – Anagram (Sakae Sumikae = SKE Relocation)
2/16 白白赤黄 - ?
2/24 ラグランジュ - ?
3/2 神KK - 2nd time KK will be like Kami
3/13 ウッホHW - Sayaka will make Hollywood debut?
3/30 けん玉126 - ?
Yeah. 6/11 is the day she was interviews by Bunshu at Shinjuku Alta Studio…
LOL If this is true, Yasusu is a demon….
LOL I am gonna buy the diary next year…