While Mayuyu is gradually going being recognized as a virtual center of AKB’s next chapter, residents of Japanese online communities are spinning their wild fancy for our dear leader Takamina. They are trying to explain how Takamina has both Mayuyu’s cute charm and Acchan’s fascination, and it can be seen if she sings Mayuyu’s solo track Syncro Tokimeki.
From two channel “What If Takamina Sings Mayuyu’s Syncro Tokimeki“
I think it’s gonna totally change her image (in a good way). Look her performance of Gu~none(ぐ~のね) at Ogi Matsuri (尾木祭り: Music fes held by Ogi productions). Lovely…..!
(Though Cindy looks like doing lip-syncing, I think this song is live-vocal.)
I think after she finished a song, she spoke to fans “Thank you for letting me sing this song. How was my performanceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Come one, both Mayuyu and Takamina are Handsome in Haruyama’s Ad (紳士服のはるやま)!!
(I think there’re many misconducts in this Ads.. lol How many can you find??)
Come with us to be Handsome!!!

(Takamina’s Undressed Honest Words To Everyone)
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