1. Kitahara Rie just kissed Kamiki Ryunosuke on lips in TV drama “Kazoku Game”
2. NMB48 Girls’ Makankosappo (Hadoken-ing)
I didn’t watch the Drama, but according to fans who were watching the Drama realtime, it was like…
Oh Unagi appeared! Oh yeah!
Oh she talked!! Glad that she got decent acting role in the drama!
Oh she kissed!! Gla….
WHAT THE HELL!?!? hk-2@9y:4uhjncgx
And they experienced this jetcoaster in as little as 30 seconds.
Don’t get upset too much. This is what all top members who are aspiring to make big in this business went through. Acchan, Yuko, Yukirin, Kojiharu, Okaro (Akimoto Sayaka)… you name it….
Oh wait, where’s Mayuyu’s name…..???