Apparently, being an SNH48 Fan Club member gives you a lot of privileges, therefore I have decided to make a tutorial for that, as everything is in Chinese. Some parts may have already been translated but I will still include them to make the tutorial complete.
Step by Step Tutorial
- Go to the SNH48 Official Site
Click the highlighted area ( clearly says Club Register lol )
- You will be taken to a new page in a new browser tab with the Terms and Conditions, continue by clicking the left button ( “同意” )
When the pop-up window disappears, you will be looking straight into a form like this.
Follow the instructions written in the image
Make sure that the box under the Verification Code is checked as it is to indicate that you agree with the Terms and Conditions. Click “提交” to submit.
(NOTE: At the bottom of the page there is an alternative way for people with QQ accounts to register) -
It will take a moment for the registration to process, and when successful, you’ll be taken to a page like this:
Click on one of the emoticons and write anything in the blank field, you will have to do this everyday for sign-in!
Essentially, you are done registering.
With this account, opening links posted here that has the original news from the threads only in the fanclub will bring you straight there.