Last update: Jun 16 2012 Iwasa MisakiAgency: Nagara productionNickname: WasaminBirthday: Jan 30 1995Official websiteGoogle plusOfficial blog Ota Aika Agency: Ogi productionNickname: LovetanBirthday: Dec 8th 1994Official websitebGoogle plusOfficial blog (Warota) Ohya ShizukaAgency: Watanabe EntertainmentNickname: ShiichanBirthday:
Archive for Nakata Chisato by AKB48WrapUp • Nakata Chisato

Where Will They Create Next 48 Group?
3“-Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka-Fukuoka-??“Sapporo“Sapporo, of course.“Tsu (Capital city of Mie prefectture, which is very rural)“Tsu, of course.“Hiroshima….. (trembling voice)“I have no intention to offend you but Hiroshima is really nice city~.I am actually

AKB48 – General Election ‘Next Girls’ Speeches
0NEXT GIRLS (48th to 33rd) 48th – Haruka Katayama (AKB48 Team A) AKB48チームAの片山陽加(かたやま はるか)です。投票してくださった皆さん、応援してくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。昨年、私は圏外ですごくすごく悔しい思いをしました。それから一年間どうしたらもっと知ってもらえるんだろう、どうしたらもっと愛してもらえるんだろうと、必死に自分なりに考えて頑張ってきました。その結果が48位という順位をいただけたんだと思います。これからももっともっとたくさんの方に愛してもらえるような素敵な魅力的な女性になっていけるよう、精進して頑張っていきたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました! I am Haruka Katayama from AKB48’s Team A. Thank you so very much to the people that have

Yukirin Daruma will go on sale (and 2 other stories on Vegiranger and Nextgirls)
0Yukirin Daruma is ridiculously big Mayu Ogasawara on G+ This is Yurikin-san’s “Yukirin Daruma”☆☆☆ Kawaii~~♪ Wikipedia: Daruma dollThe Daruma doll (達磨 daruma?), also known as a Dharma doll, is a

What Ota are thinking about the result of AKB48 4th General Election (Mariko Shinoda’s Uekara (and Shitakara) Atitude)
0What Ota are thinking about the result of AKB48 4th General Election “I know you guys have plenty of things to say.“FujiTV is shit.(Fuji’s election live coverage ended in the

Final Result of AKB48 27th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo
0AKB48 announced the final result of AKB48 27th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo (AKB48 4th General Election) on 6th June at Nippon Budo-Kan. Winner of this election will be featured in AKB’s

Sayaka Nakaya Changed Her Hair Style, Shizuka Ohya Touches Umechan’s Boobs, Mocchii Comes Up Odd Nicknames
0Yesterday’s Hot Topic On AKB1. Sayaka Nakaya’s New Hair Style2. Shizuka Ohya Feeling Umechan’s Breasts?3. Why Mocchii Gives Odd Nickname To Members? Nakayan Changed Her Hair Style New-type Nakayan She