Top 10 Most Erotic AKB48 members

Looking back at 48G member graduations in 2013

Kawaii ha Seigi

AKB48 Tano Yuka flashes her rock solid abs during ANN broadcast

Archive for Tanabe Miku by AKB48WrapUp  •  Tanabe Miku 

No Rain No Flower – Members who weren’t selected for Shonichi roster and 3 more!


1. What’s inside Churi’s hat? 2. Who do you want to get injection from? 3. This outstanding “size” of Deguchi Aki Senbatsu!! 4. No Rain No Flower – Members who weren’t

Kashiwagi Yuki awarded for AKB48 Cafe's No.1 Menu Kashiwagi Family's BanaMayo-pan and 3 more!


. ” She is doing such a bold thing when she is wearing that Watermelon pants!?!? ” She is showing off the watermelon pants to Yokoyama while she is lying

Matsui Jurina's high jump! and Shinoda Mariko's Paraglider Jump! and 3 more!


“ I’m stunned…. She is just too cute… “ Anything looks cute when is worn by NyanNyan (Kojima Haruna)~! “ This is ill!!! Too cute to be true!! “ She

Team K girls help you overcome loss of appetite from summer lethargy!


 Reinyan Akimoto “オカロ” Sayaka  Happy-Married Couple Ucchi~  Umechan Saechan   Yuihan  Chris Ayarin  Tanamin Moeno  Micha  Sakiko  Yuko Miichan  Sorry for the misediting. Miichan’s photos should be in team K’s post.

Team K’s Okinawa Concert


ItanoTomomi ✔ @tomo_coco73 Once I took a photo with Oshima it was backlit.(lol) 2012 7月 22 返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 Increasing to reveal more details… I would’ve been so grateful if

Haachan’s masterpiece: Yu…..Yu……Yukirin……orz (and 3other topics on TGSK, Kitarie, Yui and Tanamin)


Yu…..Yu……Yukirin……orz (by Maestro Katayama Haruka) “Yu….Yu….Yukirin, the painting drawn by Haachan, which had been a topic among Ota a little while ago is displayed at the arts club’s exhibition like this… “

AKB48’s Costume Manager Shinobu Kayano Is Having Fun With Sashihara


Costume manager of AKB48, Shinobu Kayano shared a fun moment with Rino Sashihara and AKB48 fans in this morning. Shinobu Kayano on G+ “Hi there! I’m Shinobu. And…. wow! Look!

Karen-chan Forms Nama Ham Alliance with Senior members (and 3 other stories about Miorin, Tanamin and Paruru)


From yesterday’s (29th) G+ updates of AKB48 members. Karen Iwata on G+ “This is the moment when we saw the birth of Nama Ham (Raw Ham) alliance!!Yay~~~~!!!Members who love raw

Fanmade Election Campaign Poster


Election is the event that we can repay our Oshi-men who always deliver us cheers and smiles. As members are struggling with uneasiness about whether she can share a satisfying

Saw Her Name For The First Time In The Ranking, How Members Reacted?


In the early result, some members who’ve participated all elections but had never had their names in the ranking finally made their ways to the ranking for the first time!!

There Was One Member Who Was At Disneyland Today Separately From Miichan and Sashiko


Today, as it was a off day for Minami Minegishi and Rino Sashihara, some fans tweeted that they saw these 2 girls of AKB48 at Disneyland in Chiba. Being a

Kaoru Mitsumune’s First G+ Post? Kinda…


This cute iguana who were starring  NOTTV’s program An’ta Dare is named Yukirin for some reason (Obviously staffs are Yukirin fans)  Kami KKS, one-man Takarazuka, current sensation, but actually a nice

AKB48 Election Appealing Video: While Other Leading Figures of Team K Display Relaxing Mood, Why Only Yuko Looks Too Serious


When I first saw AKB’s appealing comments videos 3 years ago, they all looked desperate as if they would lose everything if they lost the election. As the girls have learned